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Paula (Cindy's Mom)
Thinking of you today my sweet angel. I love you!
mom to Angel Justin Lindley
Lighting this candle for my Angel friend A friend that in this life I never met Is now thought of every day with love!
Aunt Wilma
You were truly with us yesterday and then you flew away. we love and miss you.
Darien/Keara's Mom
Sending you much love, hugs and kisses on this your angel day.Stay close to ur Mom.
Mom to Angel Melissa Platt
I light this candle in memory of your beloved Cindy on her Angel Day, God Bless you...
AV/Laura family of Lisa Maas ♥
Cindy..stay close to Mom & fam on this difficult day..ur Mom's the best..u no that tho right?..ur missed & luvd soo..♥♥
Melissa Eiler (Visitor)
Thinking of you Cindy on your Angel Date today. May God forever Bless You & yours.
Paula (Cindy's Mom)
Cindy I miss you so much. UR my sweet angel now and forever. I love you.
Jim's Mom
Morning sweet angel thinking of U & ur family today sending hugs. Shine on Cindy u r ur moms shining star.
Mom to Angel Justin Lindley
A candle of loving rememberance For you on your angel anniversary. Keeping you in my prayers Mom.
Paula (Cindy;s Mom)
Today a year ago was the last time I would hear your voice Sweet Angel. I love and miss you always.
AV/Laura family of Lisa Maas ♥
Cindy..thinkin of U & UR Mom today & always..I no ur watchin over her & your girls..they miss & luv u so much..♥♥
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