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daniels momma melinda Happy thanksgiving November 19, 2009

Jim's Mom Happy Thanksgiving November 15, 2009
Family of Lisa Maas ♥♥ Happy Thanksgiving..luv Lisa..♥ November 15, 2009

AV/Laura family of Lisa Maas ♥ Betty Boop Fall Wishes..luv Lisa.. November 6, 2009

AV/Laura ..missin r angels Thinkin of u Cindy...xo November 4, 2009

Bette Timmy's mom Thinking of You November 4, 2009

AV/Laura family of Lisa Maas ♥ Happy Halloween to r Angels.. October 31, 2009

daniels momma melinda NATURE"S WONDERS October 22, 2009

Have you ever wondered what makes the wind blow?
Could it be our loved ones blowing us a kiss?

Have you ever wondered what makes the stars shine?
Is it our loved ones keeping watch over us while we sleep?

Have you ever wondered what makes the skies cry?
Could it be our loved ones missing us?

Have you ever wondered what makes the sun shine?
Is it our loved ones giving us a warm hug?

Have you ever wondered what makes the ocean waves come pounding to shore?
Could it be our loved ones wanting to touch us once more?

There are so many of natures wonders and do we really know why?
Is there a higher power making sure we always remember the loved one we’ve lost and shall never forget

Bette - Timmy Clark's mom Happy Halloween October 14, 2009

AV/Laura Our Lil Hallowheezie.. October 9, 2009

Total Condolences: 106
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